

11月7日, Texas held a statewide general election proposing fourteen amendments to the Texas Constitution. 选民们批准了对其高等教育体系的投资, 改善日益恶化的水利基础设施, expanding equitable broadband access and incentivizing biomedical manufacturing and job creation. 除了, Harris County residents voted for the County to receive much-needed funds to enhance and expand the Harris Health System.


大休斯顿伙伴关系支持 以下提案和债券提案 on this year’s ballot due to their ability to advance critical issues facing the region.


第5号提案设立了德克萨斯大学基金, creating a permanent endowment to significantly boost the research capabilities of four Texas universities, 包括休斯顿大学.

批准:提案5 创立了德克萨斯大学基金(TUF),这是一个3亿美元的基金.为四所德州公立大学提供了40亿美元的研究基金.

  • A strong college-educated talent pipeline is becoming increasingly more important to attract companies and investments to our state. 
  • 目前, only two national top 50 public universities are located in Texas: 美国niversity of Texas at Austin (ranked 9th) and Texas A&M(排名第20位).
  • The TUF will allocate up to $100 million annually to the University of Houston, 休斯顿的旗舰公立大学. 
  • The TUF will help the state attract top talent by providing the necessary funding to improve the national rankings of Texas universities. 
  • TUF将帮助德州的学校竞争联邦研究经费, 确保私人研究经费, 增加校友支持, 并将德克萨斯州定位为一流高等教育的首选目的地.  
  • The TUF will expand educational opportunities for all Texas students and strengthen the state’s economy.

For more information, please feel free to reach out to Glen Austin at gaustin@phuyentravel.net. 


提案6创建了德克萨斯州新供水基金, 全州水资源公众意识账户, and the Texas Water Fund to address critical water challenges across the state. 

通过:提案6 assists in the financing of water projects to address the diminishing water supply of Texas. 

  • 获得水对社会至关重要, 如今,确保充足的供应变得越来越重要, 特别是对于人口快速增长的社区, 现有水供应的减少, 以及老化的水利基础设施系统. 
  • 根据最新的国家水资源规划, the population in Texas is expected to grow by 73 percent from 2020 to 2070, 而用水需求预计将增长约9%.
  • Existing water supply is expected to decline by nearly eighteen percent, 导致危机级别的缺水6.到2070年将达到每年900万英亩英尺.
  • 6号提案将允许德州投资10亿美元进行修复 整个州摇摇欲坠的水利基础设施. 

For more information, please feel free to reach out to Coalter Baker at cbaker@phuyentravel.net. 


Proposition 8 creates the Broadband Infrastructure Fund to facilitate equitable access to reliable, 全州高速互联网, enabling local communities to thrive through expanding broadband investment. 

通过:提案8 creates the Broadband Infrastructure Fund (BIF) to expand equitable access to reliable, 德州高速宽带. 

  • 美国.S. 人口普查局的数据显示,几乎有2人.8 million households and 7 million people lack broadband access in Texas. 
  • Proposition 8 will help to close the digital divide by bringing rural and underserved Texans online while also increasing access to the internet in economically distressed communities. 
  • BIF将提供前所未有的1美元.5 billion in funding for the expansion of broadband infrastructure around the state. 
  • The BIF will provide financing for projects that ensure all Texans have access to the economic and social benefits of broadband.

For more information, please feel free to reach out to Laura Alexander at lalexander@phuyentravel.net. 


Proposition 10 exempts medical or biomedical product manufacturers' equipment or inventory from ad valorem taxation to protect our health care network and strengthen the Texas medical supply chain. 

批准:命题 10 建立了 德州在生物医药制造业中具有竞争力. 

  • Texas currently has one of the highest effective tax rates for the medical and biomedical manufacturing sectors, 对超过28%的公司征税, 和其他州相比, 同一行业哪个税低于13.5%.
  • 自2020年以来, 德克萨斯州已经失去了超过4个州,000 new biomanufacturing jobs to other states and missed out on more than $3 billion in medical manufacturing investments.
  • Reducing the effective tax rate for these manufacturers will bolster the manufacturing capabilities of Texas' medical and biomedical businesses while also drawing new innovators to Texas. 
  • 医疗和生物医药制造业预计将增加100个,000 new jobs over the next decade with an average salary of $75 thousand to $150 thousand, and every new Texas medical or biomedical job will create four additional jobs.

For more information, please feel free to reach out to Stephen Reynolds at sreynolds@phuyentravel.net. 


哈里斯县提案A寻求选民批准$2.5 billion bond authorization to finance the rebuilding and upgrading of the hospital district’s facilities. 

批准: 哈里斯县提案A ensures the Harris County hospital district can continue serving our residents.

  • Harris Health is the hospital district serving the nearly five million residents of Harris County and often many of the residents in surrounding areas.
  • 哈里斯县提案A will finance the replacement of the LBJ hospital and the creation of a third Level I Trauma center on its current campus, additional capacity for the existing Level 1 Trauma Center at the Ben Taub Hospital, and invest in clinics and population health services across the county. 
  • 在过去的30年里,哈里斯县的人口增加了一倍多, 而哈里斯医疗中心运营的医疗设施的容量也在下降.
  • The LBJ hospital is often over capacity and has reached the end of its life span.
  • Our population dictates we should have at least four Level 1 Trauma centers; Harris County currently has only two—both of which reside in the Texas Medical Center, not easily accessible to many on the outer areas of our county—particularly the north and northeast. 

For more information, please feel free to reach out to Stephen Reynolds at sreynolds@phuyentravel.net. 


伙伴关系的影响工作是通过委员会进行的, which convene business and community leaders to fuel the growth and vitality of the Houston region. 


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