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休斯顿地区继续吸引新的公司, 证明香港仍然是寻求搬迁的公司的首选目的地, 扩展或建立新的皇冠HGA010官方下载. According to a Partnership analysis, the new business category accounted for more than 50% of new business announcements in 2022.

Site Selection Magazine 休斯顿-伍德兰-糖地MSA报道 won 255 projects in 2022, ranking third among large U.S. metros. 芝加哥地铁以448个项目排名第一, 达拉斯-沃斯堡-阿灵顿以426个项目排名第二.

The Partnership reported 199 new business announcements 在2022年的休斯顿地区,人数低于 Site Selection Magazine 由于报告结构和数据检索方法的差异. 制造业是最常见的行业, 占所有公告的29%, 根据伙伴关系分析.


  • Orsted - a leading offshore wind developer from Denmark is expanding its presence in Texas by establishing a new office in the Woodlands. 此举预计将在该地区创造多达100个就业岗位.
  • Syzygy等离子体-一种基于休斯顿的能量.这家公司正在把皇冠HGA010官方下载扩展到珀尔兰. 新地点将作为总部,R&D, and manufacturing for its deep-decarbonization platform, creating up to 120 jobs.
  • Alfred Talke Logistic Services - a German logistics firm is establishing a new facility in the region, serving as its U.S. headquarters. This project represents a $25 million investment and will create 240 jobs.

Texas as a whole remains the top destination in the nation for new companies. Site Selection Magazine 让德州连续第11次获得该奖项, and 19th total, Governor's Cup for the most total capital investment projects in the nation for 2022 with 1,028 projects. This was more than twice the number of projects that second-place Illinois attracted.

为了让一个项目被算进总督杯比赛, projects must meet one or more of these criteria: a minimum investment of $1 million, 创造20个或更多的新工作岗位, or 20,000平方英尺或更多的新建筑.

Despite a slight dip from the 2021 project count of 1,123, Governor Greg Abbott told Site Selection Magazine 他仍然对德州的未来持乐观态度, 祝贺当地“杰出的经济发展团队”, regional, and state level who work so diligently to attract and retain these growing businesses and the jobs they create in communities across Texas.”

Texas remains number one in the United States for the most Fortune 500 headquarters, 休斯顿在德州排名第一. Twenty-four of Texas’ 53 Fortune 500 headquarters are located in Houston.  

Governor Abbott also touted the state’s lack of an individual income tax, 有利营商的监管环境, workforce, and recent investments in infrastructure as reasons why more and more businesses are choosing to relocate or expand in Texas.

称德州为“全国的经济引擎”,” Governor Abbott stressed that in order for the state to remain a leader on the national and global levels, it would need to continue to “lead with major capital investments in critical industries such as advanced manufacturing and energy production” and to “work collaboratively with local economic development organizations and business communities and maintain strategic economic development tools.”

Maintaining these competitive advantages is a key issue state legislators are addressing during the current legislative session. House Bill 5, which the Partnership supports, aims to establish a new economic development incentive program to attract new businesses.

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Economic Development


Fulshear, 这是本德堡县一个繁华的社区, has seen significant growth, 成为全国增长第二快的城市. According to the U.S. 富尔希尔的人口增加了25人.6 percent in 2023. The Greater Houston Partnership’s monthly report also shows that Fulshear’s population has grown by over 70 percent since 2021, with over 42,000 residents.   以适应持续的增长, 许多新项目正在开发中, 为居民提供居住场所, work and play. 富尔希尔枢纽(Fulshear Junction)就是其中之一,最近宣布有126家.9-acre mixed-use development. 位于fm1093以北,沃利斯街以西, this project will bring 251 single-family homes and feature a variety of shops, restaurants, offices, parks, 休闲区和日托设施, according to Community Impact.   Click to expand Additionally, Fulshear Gateway, a 20,000 square foot retail center, 最近在沃利斯路和fm359的交叉口破土动工, 在市中心附近. 该开发项目将有三栋建筑, featuring a mix of restaurants, retail, medical and beauty services. According to Community Impact, construction is expected to be completed in 2025.   Click to expand Meanwhile, developers are also addressing the influx of new residents by launching master-planned communities to meet the demand. Cross Creek West, a 1,258-acre development, will add more than 3,000 homes upon completion. Additionally, Cross Creek Ranch, a 3,200-acre community, will bring over 5,000 homes to the area.  To continue to draw people, 企业和开发商来到该地区, the city recently proposed a nearly $70 million Capital Improvement Plan for projects in fiscal year 2024-25. 这个计划包括各种各样的项目, including drainage, facilities, parks and technology, streets and traffic, 水务及污水处理措施. 值得注意的是,该计划拨出的资金最多,为40美元.8200万美元用于污水处理项目. The proposed funding for drainage includes the Downtown Eastside drainage project, 该项目旨在消除企业现场拘留的必要性. Additionally, 该市还在努力增加混凝土路面, a pedestrian plaza and street parking to Harris Street from FM 1093 to Fifth Street, making the area more walkable. Construction on Harris Street is set to begin this summer and is expected to be completed in 2025. “(Hga010皇冠软件下载)希望看到混合使用的生活方式类型的地方, where we will have retail and restaurants and things to do for our young families, Hga010皇冠软件下载的青少年——实际上是各个年龄段的每个人,” said Annel Guadalupe, Economic Development Director of the Fulshear Development Corporation in a statement. “Hga010皇冠软件下载从哈里斯街开始, 但Hga010皇冠软件下载的希望是真正做到所有的市中心, one street at a time, 所以Hga010皇冠软件下载可以真正看到它的生命.”  了解更多关于富尔希尔持续增长的信息. 
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